Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rockets- 3/26/11, Royal Oak, MI

Some readers of my "drunken Dogg Reviews", feel I pass around too good of reviews, too often claim "Concert of the Year", or "Best I've ever heard them". Historically, I am probably an easy grader. For me, the entire experience of the concert is the factor that matters most. That encompasses the sound, sights, weather, atmosphere, staging, lighting, crowd, food, booze, and of course the bands. One problem for me is, I seem to always have a great time, see good shows, and be with awesome people. Makes it easy to give high gades and praise.

Last night was one of those nights that had high hopes for a perfect night. We were out with friends Jeff & Jenn, had a few cocktails in their palatial Birmingham estate prior to the show. A real nice dinner and more drinks at The Towne Tavern, then on to the show.

In fairness to this evening, we did arrive 35-40 minutes late to the show. We missed both opening acts and at least 30 minutes of the Rockets. When we got there, i estimate the crowd at 1,500-2,000. All seem to be having a good time, but immediately, I noticed the sound was poor. Royal Oak Music Theater is renowned for its good accoustics. For whatever reason, the sound was flat and tinny. Way too much emphasis on the vocals and some off timed mixing. Then on top of this, The Rockets played 6 out 8 songs in a row of new music! Jim McCarty was magical on guitar and Jonny B kept a constant rythem pounding on his drum kit. Sorry Jimmy Edwards, it was an off night for you, primarily due to sound issue. A couple of classic Rockets songs, Oh Well and Can't Sleep sent them off for an encore. The Stooges "Be a Dogg" was played as a tribute to our own Detroit Rock Dogg, I'm sure. Well done boys!

Weather D
Crowd B
Atmosphere B
Sound C-
Lighting C-
Staging C
Set List C
Line up N/A

Overall, I regretfully must only give this show a C. Come on boys, you've got the moxie, talent, and songs. Get the sound right. FYI, they were awesome at the Fillmore!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Walter Trout & the New Radicals- Auburn Hills, MI

On Thursday night, the lovely BLT and I were treated to a blues concert that "BLUE US AWAY". Our friend Barry had invited us to see "the 5th rated guitarist in history", Walter Trout at Callahan's. None of us were familiar with Walter Trout or this alleged high ranking. A little internet research verified the facts and a quick listen on You tube insured we were in for a special treat.

For those of you that have not been to Callahan's, it is the capital on The Michigan Blues Society and is frequented by International Blues artist's. Great sound, sight lines, and good service. I'd guess a full house would be 350-400. On Thursday the place was packed with blues loving diehards. The warm up act, Detroit and WCSX DJ, Mark Pasman and the Blues Session played an enjoyable, well played set. This was some southern style blues, crossed with a bit of Chicago. No drums; just a dude with a washboard, tamborine, and box! The fiddle player/singer, had blues to her core. Overall, we felt the blues and to us, that is the point.

Barry, Mike, Kelly, Brenda and I were ready for Trout! I've been bleesed to see Clapton, Gilmore, May, BB King, Knoephler, Steive Ray, Trower, Santana, Van Halen, Page, and literally a thousand other good to great guitar stars. None can keep up with Walter Trout! From the first song to the last, Walter displayed the most incredible speed, movement up and down the neck, clean, well spaced notes, and a keen ear for hittiing the right tempo and cord. From our second row perch (on lawn chairs), we bore witness to a great Blues and rock spectacle. The entire band performed flawlessly and were a tightly wound machine.

A highlight was a guitar war with Trout -vs- the keyboardist's 18 year old son. This epic battle was waged for at least 10 minutes, with Trout blowing him away with his last .45 second solo. Typical of a small venue, there were no special effects, special lighting, or vocal effects. this was stripped down rockin-blues at its finest. A more enjoyable listening night I can't recall. Walter Trout you have made a lifetime fan!

Weather C
Atmosphere A
Sound A Lighting/effects
C Crowd
Line up B

Overall an A show.