This was one of the shows we were excited to see this year. The Goo Goo's are a band that I feel have been under appreciated for years. When you combine strong song writing, great lyrics, memorable melody's and hooks, with extrodinary musicianship, you'd think they would be selling out arenas with no sweat. Switchfoot was an added bonus!
The weather Sunday was hot and humid with the strong chance of a thundershower. Does this stop the Dogg from going, oh hell no! The lovely BLT and I held forth in the VIP lounge and enjoyed a couple of cocktails and a good sandwich. At 7:45 Switchfoot took the stage to a half full venue.
To be honest, other than the ons song that got a lot of airplay last year (can't remember the name), we knew nothing of this fabulous band. Very energetic and a powerful sound made for a fast paced set. Got to give mad props to the frontman. He hopped off stage and seranded the entire pavilion. He slapped hands, fist bumps, wore hats and posed for pictures with as many fans as he could. This made the Dogg smile from ear to ear. It is good to see a man give it back to the fans. We are sick and tired of posers and want to be's! An excellent set and now onto the main course of Goo.
The Goo Goo Dolls take the stage at 9:10 to a 4/5ths packed house. The rain Gods are smiling on the "hill people" tonight, the skys are clear and the humidity's down. And what a crowd! On their feet from the first chord to the very last. Beautiful staging with billowing towers of a semi transparent cloth with indirect lighting and fans behind them, kept the appearance of fluffy clouds in an ever changing spectrum of light. Jonny Reznick proved to be a virtuoso guitarist and his voice was of studio quality. Opening with Broadway, then Slide, and Black Ballroom Dizzy whipped the crowd into a near frenzy. Moving on they played Slave Girl, Only One, Name, Give a Little Bit, Burnin Up, and Cuz You are Gone in quick succession. A quick trip through Naked and Disconnected left only Iris as a closing number. Throw in 3-4 new songs, of which 3 were quite good, and you had a great concert to see and hear. I strongly recommend the Goo Goo's to any and all rock fans. They can rock with the best of em and then slow it down with awesome ballads. True Masters of their craft.
Weather B
Crowd A-
Atmosphere A-
Sound A
Staging B
Lighting B+
Line Up A-
Overall the Dogg gives the show an A-.