One of the best presents you can give your family at Christmas time, is a TSO concert. The Dogg pound has been going for 8 years now and it is always a night to remember. For those that have not seen TSO live, let me give you the short story. TSO is a touring band that has a seasonal show from November through January each year. The theme is Christmas and stories of hope, awesome sound, and a visual feast the likes of which you've never seen. The best I can come up with is mix a rock concert, with a Broadway play, add in the classical music overtones, and a totally eclectic crowd, you have the TSO experience. Then for the visual feast, imagine lasers and staging of Pink Floyd at their best, the pyro of Kiss or Poison, the lighting of Queen, and some of the most talented musicians playing today, and you have a recipe for the perfect show!
With a new album out, "Night Castles" that has no holiday overtones, we were not sure what to expect. Let me tell friends, this show was their best ever!
The Dogg pound arrived for the 3:00 PM matinee show and settled into our "penthouse" suite. Due to technical difficulties, the show started about 20 minutes late. Who cares, it Christmas and we're at the show! Once the show started, it did not disappoint. It was a pure TSO show, but with new lighting, LED screens so clear and bright they added a depth to the scene that you have to see to appreciate. The gantry lighting is always in motion, reconfiguring into dazzling new shapes and layouts. It's like watching the Transformers movie live! All the classics were played and performed to perfection. The Caretaker of Broken Dreams (the narrator) was in rare form. his deep and resounding voice filled the arena with wonderful imagery. The lasers were so intense from our suite that it appeared we could walk down them right to the stage. A TSO stable is towards the end, both guitar players run around the entire arena, playing to the crowd. They end up on a small stage that elevates 40" into the air at the far end of the arena. This is a crowd pleaser to be sure. By the end of the 2.75 hour performance, we were all full of the Christmas spirit (and other spirits) and totally spent.
Weather B
Crowd A
Staging A+++
Lighting A+++
Sound B+
Effects A++++
Set List A+
Atmosphere A++
Overall A++