An unseasonable, cold, damp August night acted like a wet blanket over the crowd at Pine Knob on Friday night Just like last nights show, a much larger crowd would have attended had the weather been more cooperative. No one wants to sit on the hill in the rain and 55 degrees! With this in mind, the crowd may have hit 3,500 tops. Only 3 people seen sitting on the hill after intermission.
As many of you have seen on PBS this month, Dennis DeYoung with a symphony is quite a magical listening experience. With this in mind, we asked momma Dogg & Poppa Dogg, Jamin Jamie Lee, the Amazing Scott, Volupsoous Virgie and Jammin Jamie Sr., to attend the show with us. Great seats in row ten eliminated the rain and coolness from the equation.
Dennis DeYoung proved himself to be a comsumate entertainer and showman! At 7:45 the band took the stage to Rockin in Paradise. At times the sympony seemed to be overwhellmed by the electric band, but overall they added to the experience. In quick succession they played Light Up, Desert Moon, and Grand Illusion. These were played and performed flawlessly. Throughout, Dennis traded quips and banter with the audience and band. After a meddley of a few more new songs, the first intermission closed with Castle Walls. The Dogg has never heard this most excellent song played by Styx or Dennis DeYoung before. It has long been a favorite of the Dogg & Jammin Jamie Sr., who unfortunately was on a beer run when it played.
The second intermission started where the first left off. Great singing, great arrangements, and an excellent band made for a super show. Suite Madam Blue, Babe, Fooling Yourself, , Show me the Way, Mr. Roboto, Best of Times, with a show stopping Come Sail Away completing the show.
Despite the weather, the crowd was enthusiastic and into the show from start to finish. We all rated this an excellent performance and a must see for any Styx fans.
Weather D-
Crowd B small but strong
Atmosphere C
Staging C
Sound A
Band A
Lighting C+
Overall a strong A_ show!